Neighborhood Programs & Events
The Trails at Brittany neighborhood has a lot going on at any given time.
​​There are Board of Directors meetings 4-5 times a year, an Annual Members Meeting, Committee meetings, occasional social gatherings.
In the Spring we advertise a neighborhood-wide yard sale. In 2025 the date will be Saturday, April 26th.
In the Fall we usually hold a Social in one of the Commons areas; past events have featured ice cream, food trucks, pizza, or BBQ.
The app, Nextdoor, is frequently used to let members know about Community events that are of interest such as the dates for yard waste pickups, electronic recycling events, etc. About 85% of TAB residents get Nextdoor announcements.
The Trails at Brittany Newsletter (published 2-3 times a year) is sent out to all members by email; past issues may be requested.
Of course the main purpose of the HOA is to maintain the three beautiful lakes and the 18 acres of Commons Areas in Trails at Brittany.

Lake Maintenance
A significant portion of HOA dues go toward keeping our lakes and surrounding rock beds maintained against algae, erosion, and other issues — so they remain beautiful for residents to enjoy.

Tree Care
The Beautification Committee does a great job of keeping trees and plantings in common areas healthy and beautiful. This includes planting new trees, regular trimming, and removal of any dead or fallen trees.

City Programs and Announcements
The Trails at Brittany HOA works to keep residents informed about important City of Champaign and privately available programs and services available to residents.
This includes information on seasonal yard waste pickups, community recycling events, storm drains, Park District Flower Islands, and much more.

Trails at Brittany was designated as a neighborhood watch area in years past. Residents help by reporting problematic activities via the (217) 333-8911 non-emergency line, 911, the SeeClickFix App and on Nextdoor.
The TAB Newsletter regularly runs articles with safety tips, too.
We also kindly request that all residents and visitors maintain appropriate speeds and stay mindful of crosswalks on all neighborhood streets. Even if you're late for work! The safety of our residents, children and pets is paramount.

Annual Neighborhood
Yard Sale
The Trails at Brittany HOA & its residents coordinate annually with nearby neighborhoods, such as Ironwood, Ironwood West, and Trails Edge for a large Spring yard sale event. By coordinating, area HOAs can bring more people out to shop, and keep additional weekends with garage sales to a minimum.
The annual yard sale is usually held in April or May. Keep an eye out for yearly information!

Trails at Brittany
on Nextdoor
The Nextdoor App and website are becoming a very popular way to communicate within our neighborhood. Around 85% of Trails at Brittany households are members on Nextdoor and use the platform to share news, report lost pets, sell or give away items, stay up to date on City programs, get vendor & service recommendations, and more.
Register for a free Nextdoor account; you'll be asked for your address and be automatically assigned to the Trails at Brittany neighborhood.